Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is There Such a Thing as Chance?

By Ischalea

As with all things, be it winning a lottery, famines, the destinies of there really such a thing as chance? Surely, it's easy to say so concerning someone who wins a lottery. But how about someone who happens to be in an airplane that crashes while another passenger survives? Is that also by chance? How about someone who is on a planned vacation in a foreign country where a war breaks out suddenly and he's killed? Is that also chance? Millions of scenarios could be referenced; however," if chance is to be a determining factor in bringing about events, there must then, of necessity, be a law of chance. And then chance becomes a law which must fit in with other laws and be related to them, or else the established laws would be jostled around and overthrown.

As nature is governed by laws, so also mankind and human relations must be governed by law. AND LAW THUS DISSIPATES THE THOUGHT OF CHANCE. Chance is only a word used as an escape from the inability to understand and to explain law." All creation and all that happens in creation are governed by laws. Each major religion has reference to certain laws that are part of the very fabric of creation. For instance, "if you live by the sword, you will die by the sword." "Whatever one soweth, that shall he reap." And in everyday parlance, "what goes around comes around." These laws do not bend to the whims or fancies of man's thinking or behavior. As my grandmother used to say, "how can you plant an apple tree and expect to pick peaches?" Age-old wisdom spelt out in very simple words. Karma, retribution...these are universal laws and do not allow for chance.

We may take chances, with the hope or desire for success; however, the results are never by chance! Universal laws govern every aspect of our existence and, therefore, do not allow for chance. If one has not in some way 'earned' the right to success by previous thoughts, words and deeds, the universal laws do not alter themselves to bend to the efforts of a person towards achieving success. It is the reason why some people work very hard and simply make little profit in a business while someone else in the same line of business, same locality and working just as hard does very well. What's the difference? It's not that this latter person is lucky, because universal laws do not permit for chance and thus there could not be any such thing as luck. The difference is that what we tend to think as luck are, rightfully, only rewards resulting from a person's karmic account.

So, whenever someone exclaims "what a lucky bastard", know for sure that that 'lucky bastard' is simply making withdrawals from his 'karmic account' and it's definitely not by chance that he is enjoying his 'gifts.'

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