Monday, May 25, 2009

Peace, the Triumph of Principles

To experience peace in a world fraught with strife seems almost impossible. Yet, the broader application of principles is the key to such experience, as Ralph Waldo Emerson once noted: "Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles."

What are the broader principles? Honesty, Compassion, Humility, Tolerance, Forgiveness, Justice, Charity and Gratitude , even the lesser known ones like Continence and Equanimity--none of which are anything but liberating and add meaning to our lives. Let us not be deluded, however, for as meaning-seeking creatures, these principles can have either an uplifting effect as they operate in our lives or we can find ourselves thrust into the deep, dark abyss of despair or depression, feeling that we have no reason for living.

How? Just as health principles guide us on the path of nutrition with the objective of disease prevention; principles of law protect our rights as citizens and safeguard our society; and scientific principles furthers research and provides a clearer understanding of the natural world, so, too, do spiritual principles guide our lives--or they should. In a sense, we are therefore all spiritual seekers.

Regardless of our personal beliefs, or lack of any, one thing we can agree on--our modern economy does not satisfy our wants but works incessantly to create new ones. Many serve useful purposes; however, if we worship money, things and power and regard them as barometers with which to gauge what constitutes a meaningful life, we will never have enough. For example, worship power and you will feel weak and afraid, thus needing more and more power over others to keep your fear under control. Worship your intellect and you will be thrust in the unfortunate position of being fearful of being exposed as a fraud, for as brilliant as you think you are, no one knows everything about anything.

In conclusion, the triumph of principles is what really makes for a triumphant life!

To your self-discovery and growth.

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